School Admission Forms for Primary and Secondary Schools

Parents wishing to apply to Catholic Schools for the next academic year are required to obtain a Letter of Catholic Practise from their Parish Priest.  This must be requested from your Parish Priest in person and only one per child will be issued.  Please come to the Parish Centre for these on Wednesday, 10th October between 6pm and 8pm or Wednesday, 17th October between 6pm and 7pm. 

These are issued only to practising Catholics (i.e. those who attend weekly Mass). Furthermore, this practise of the Faith will be viewed over a period of time and not just the weeks prior to an application. Parish Priests may also look at the date of Baptism, noting those children who have been Baptised soon after birth as compared to those Baptised with proximity to school age. This is a matter of justice to all involved in applying for places in our Schools. Our schools are often oversubscribed and in order to be fair, preference will justly be given to those who live and practise the Faith as well as who contribute to the life of the Church through the various ways in which that support is given. If you are not a practising Catholic this Certificate will not be given; you may still apply to a Catholic School but your application will considered under another category for Admissions