Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Friends in christ

There are very many questions in this life that we can safely ignore without any consequences. There are other questions which are more fundamental because they touch on the meaning of our life and existence. The question that Jesus poses to His Apostles, asking them who He is, must always make us and stop and think. Jesus is the centre of everything, and our happiness on earth is in direct proportion to how much we have fallen in love with Him. All problems can be resolved if we are close to Him. No solution to anything in life can be found unless it is in reference to Him. That is why the testimony of St Peter can be an act of faith for us too: You are the Christ, the Son of the living God; and in another place: Lord, to whom else can we go, you alone have the message of eternal life.

Last weekend I had the good fortune of participating in the National Eucharistic Congress - Adoremus - which took place in Liverpool; it was the first for over a hundred years. During that time we heard some wonderful reflections and testimonies on the Blessed Eucharist; attended helpful seminars, and above all spent time in Eucharistic adoration. The weekend concluded with Pontifical Mass in Liverpool Cathedral and a huge Eucharistic Procession through the streets of  the City on Sunday afternoon.  Thanks be to God for this wonderful witness of Eucharistic faith and act of evangelisation; congratulations to all the organisers who made it such a memorable event. You can view some of the images at: 

God bless you!

Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
Homily available at