Sincere and grateful thanks to all parishioners for your continued support. The Summer Raffle raised £869.32: a list of all prize winners is displayed in the church porch. The meal at Yak and Yeti raised a further £651.00. This month we have been able to give HARP £3,500 for their transitions work plus £500 to the YMCA.
Our next fundraising event is My Kind of Music — popular songs across the years, featuring Elizabeth Upsher. This will be held in our parish centre on Saturday 27 October at 7.30pm. There will be cheese platters, biscuits and nibbles but you are requested to bring your own drinks. Tickets cost £12 and are available from Linda on 01702 558217, Jo on 474062, Marylisa on 07876 594951, Theresa on 335122 or Pat on 07940 654980.