Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Friends in Christ 

The texts of the liturgy for this Sunday focus our attention on the power of trusting and persevering prayer.  Jesus gives us a parable-lesson in this matter: a manifestation of living faith is the determination to keep-on asking God for what we need, for what is essential for us to live holy lives. St Augustine comments on this passage in today’s Gospel: If one's faith weakens, prayer withers…Faith is the foundation of prayer…a river cannot flow if it's source is dried up. Our prayer has to be continuous, an on-going conversation with God as we go about our life. So we can’t grow weary of praying if we are serious about having a personal relationship with God, in the same way that we can’t be serious about any human relationship if there is not a continuous dialogue. St Alphonsus also gives us advice in this area: The Lord wants to grant us his graces: but he also wants us to ask. One day He said to his disciples: 'Until now you have asked nothing in my name; ask and you will receive that your joy may be full'. It was as if He was saying: do not complain to me if you are not filled with blessings. Complain to yourselves for not having sought from me what you need. From now on, ask of me and your prayers will be answered. St Bernard has commented that many people complain like this, saying that the Lord has forsaken them. But Jesus himself laments that these same complainers have not really asked for His assistance. Let us resolve to pray as Moses did (cf the First Reading) with the perseverance that nothing could shake, and at  times with the help of his friends, as was necessary. A great deal depends on our perseverance in prayer. 

God bless you in the coming week!

Msgr Kevin Hale 01702 478078
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