Catechists Training and Resources Day, 10am to 3.30pm - Saturday 9th November, Sacred Heart of Mary school, Upminster.

We are hosting the fourth annual Training and Resources Day for Confirmation and First Holy Communion Catechists, Children’s Liturgy providers and Youth Leaders from across the Diocese. The morning will include 3 keynote speeches - Brenden Thompson, former Walsingham House Team Member, Masters Graduate from Blackfriars, Oxford, and current CEO of Catholic Voices, will introduce the Apostolic Exhortation “Christus Vivit” (“Christ is Alive”), Fr Dominic will look at how we are applying Christus Vivit within our Diocese and Fr Stephen Wang will introduce a new initiative called Sycamore. In the afternoon Catechists will be able to choose 2 workshops from a selection of providers including Sycamore, The Bible Society, Godly Play and the Children’s Liturgy, Million Minutes,  SVP and Catholic Voices. There will also be an afternoon session specifically for young catechists, aged 16-19, who wish to develop their faith further post-Confirmation.  

This day will be free of charge, thanks to National Youth Sunday contributions. For more details on the day and information on how to reserve your place, please visit or email