This year’s homeless shelter will run in Sacred Heart Church Hall (418 Southchurch Road, Southend SS1 2QB) on Wednesdays from 4th December to 25th March 2020. If you wish to volunteer in whatever capacity, whether it be for an hour or to work the overnight shift, cook for 35 or work behind the scenes, please pick up a volunteer application form from the porch and return it to Sacred Heart Presbytery (418 Southchurch Road, Southend SS1 2QB) by Sunday 17th November. Whatever you choose to do, it is of equal importance and the shelter would fail without you. We look forward to receiving your form and working with you this winter, bringing the Gospel to life as we once again bear witness to our Lord's marvellous works. If you have any questions please speak to Liam Rand, ring 07952 954833 or There is a meeting for volunteers in Sacred Heart Hall on Monday 11th November at 7pm. Please come along if you want to volunteer or find out more.