Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Friends in Christ 

The image on the front of the Newsletter this week depicts the destruction of Jerusalem in the year 70AD. The destruction of Jerusalem and its Temple was a major turning point for Jews, because that meant they could no longer make their offerings. The Holy of Holies (as part of the Temple) was destroyed, which was a massive trauma for the Jews, God’s Chosen People. Jesus had predicted this moment and for Christians it is a symbol of apocalyptic times. These last days of the liturgical year turn our thoughts and prayers also toward The Last Things: death, judgement Heaven and Hell. God has prepared great things for those who love him; we have been created by Love for love. Therefore in these days let us keep our hope of Heaven constantly before our eyes  We can ask ourselves, as St Bernard counsels us, to ask the question in everything we do: what is this in the light of eternity? In this way we keep alive the sense that we are moving inexorably towards that goal.

It is just under two weeks until the start of the Forty Hours’ Prayer: Thursday 28-30th November. At the back of church you will find the lists for Watching  during those days and also candles can be had from the Sacristy which will burn before the Blessed Sacrament in memory of loved-ones and which will be used also throughout the year in the sanctuary lamp.

Next weekend - feast of Christ the Universal King, which is National Youth Sunday - one of our young people will say a few words at the end of Mass about the work of the Brentwood Youth Service.

God bless you!.

Msgr Kevin Hale 01702 478078
The Sunday Homily is available as a podcast at