Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School

Christmas Fayre - Saturday 7th December, 11am-2pm.  There will be a range of crafts, games, refreshments, stalls and more! Please join us if you can. 
Christmas Wreath Making - Monday 2nd December, 7-10pm at OLOL School
We are very lucky to have a local florist coming in to teach us how to make a Christmas wreath. The cost is £50. £20 of this goes directly back to the school. If you would like to book a place please emailpta@ourladyoflourdes.southend.sch.uk  This is as a great fundraiser for the school so please support us if you can.
PTA Curry Night Fundraiser Join us at Yak and Yeti, 7.30pm on Wednesday 27th November as a fundraiser for the school. Please email pta@ourladyoflourdes.southend.sch.uk to reserve your tickets. Everyone welcome!