Dear Friends in Christ
This season of Advent is given as a timely reminder to us each year that we need to be prepared; vigilant for the moment when God will come to Judge the living and the dead. This moment for each of us is known only to God, but He does not wish us to be caught-out. The figure of St John the Baptist was sent before the Birth of Jesus, to prepare the ancient world for His arrival. This call to conversion is meant to be heard echoing down the ages and is no less urgent now than when it was first delivered. Let us watch and pray that we may not be found drowsy or wanting when God calls us.
There are always a good number of people to whom we owe our gratitude in the life of the Parish Family: last weekend during our Forty Hours’ Prayer we celebrated the Night of Light when during the annual Leigh pageant we invited passers-by into the church to light a candle or make a prayer intention before the Blessed Sacrament exposed for adoration. Over five hundred men, women and children came into the church for this and we should keep the prayer intentions they made in our hearts; God alone knows how any hearts were touched and moved to find Him. Our thanks to the members of the Evangelisation Team who organised this and members of the Sion Community for their back-up.
We held our Parish Bazaar also last weekend, and I am very grateful to the faithful Team who helped organise it all. Also, the many Parishioners who donated goods and who came to support it on Sunday morning. We raised just over £1,900 which we shall use for the ongoing upkeep of the Parish Centre and also donate a portion to Aid to the Church in Need.
God bless you and thank you!
Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
The Sunday Homily is available as a podcast at