Dear Friends in christ
We are currently in Year C of the cycle of Readings for Sunday Mass, the year of Luke. St Luke was, according to tradition, a Physician and in addition to writing the third Gospel, wrote a history of the early Church: The Acts of the Apostles. Our Blessed Lady is said to have had a special affection for him, which was reciprocated by St Luke painting her. The picture of Mary, Salus Populi Romani, Health of the Roman People which is enshrined in the Basilica of Mary Major in Rome, is believed to be a very close copy of that original painting.
Last Sunday afternoon with the Bishop, and on Monday morning with our Primary School present, we celebrated the Solemnity of Our Lady of Lourdes. Placing ourselves - as a Parish and Diocese under her motherly protection - we have once again consecrated ourselves, as children of Jesus and Mary.
I would remind you that the Brentwood Cathedral Chapter of Canons meets four times per year; after each meeting there is Holy Mass in the Cathedral at noon which is celebrated by one of the Canons in turn with the Bishop being present. The Canons are a senior group of the Clergy whose purpose is to advise the Bishop on important matters within the Diocese and provide a liturgical presence within the Cathedral itself. This Monday (18th) I myself shall be presiding at the Chapter Mass and if any parishioners would like to attend you would, of course, be most welcome. A Schola from The Campion School, Upminster will provide the music for the Mass.
God bless you in this coming week!
Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
Homily available at