Second Sunday of Easter — Divine Mercy

Dear Friends in Christ

This is the Octave Day of the Resurrection and the Feast of Divine Mercy. We renew the joy of the Resurrection on this Sunday as we celebrate the incalculable gift of Divine Mercy which Jesus bequeathed to His Church on the evening of Easter Day: Peace be with you…receive the Holy Spirit...those whose sins you forgive they are forgiven. Each year we have the Devotions in honour of the Divine Mercy in our Parish; they begin this Sunday afternoon at 2.30pm and this year it is extended also to our Deanery who will be joining us. There will be a number of local Priests available for the Sacrament of Confession.

I renew my thanks for all those who assisted in the preparation and celebration of the Holy Week ceremonies; many of you work tirelessly, especially behind the scenes, to ensure the dignified and noble celebration of the Mysteries of our Redemption. I am, as always, indebted to all those who help me. So too, I thank you for your kind Easter greetings, cards, gifts and Easter Offerings.

You may like to know that the facility of live-streaming the Liturgies from our church has been a great comfort, since we started it last September, too many of our housebound and those far away. A number of families have told me how their loved-ones, who cannot get to Mass any longer, can join with us at home via the Parish website. Also, I was pleased to hear that Cam-streamer, who provide this facility, are so impressed with our Livestream, that they have added it to their global gallery as an example of good streaming practice!

Next weekend someone from the Aid to the Church in Need will speak at the Masses about the work of this splendid global Papal Charity which gives practical assistance to our suffering brothers and sisters in places where the Church is suffering persecution. This comes at a poignant time, having just seen the atrocities committed against Catholics in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday. Thank you all for the constant support of your prayers; I assure you all of a daily memento of all your intention in my offering of the Holy Mass!

Msgr Kevin Hale 01702 478078
The Sunday Homily is available as a podcast at