Fourth Sunday of Easter - Sunday 12th May World Day of Prayer for Vocations

Dear Friends in Christ 

Next Sunday is the occasion of the Visitation of the Bishop, Alan Williams, to our Parish. This takes place every three years and it is also the occasion when the Bishop will confer the Sacrament of Confirmation on twenty-six young adults, during 11.30am Mass. The visit of our Bishop is the same as the visit of one of the Apostles, since he is a direct descendent of one of the Twelve. We shall welcome him with the devotion of his spiritual children and look forward to his words of encouragement to us. The Bishop is the first Teacher of the Faith in our Diocese and has the pastoral care and oversight of Clergy, Religious and Faithful, some 240,000 Catholics in ninety Parishes. Please pray for his intentions daily, as the work of a Bishop is both vital and huge within the Church today. I frequently assure the Bishop of our prayers for his intentions. One of the great consolations of a Shepherd is the knowledge that his flock are supporting him through the prayers and sacrifices of their lives.

One of our continuing efforts for Evangelisation is an initiative that we are launching entitled Reframe.  There will be three workshops to assist our Parish in this work on the following dates, and covering issues that affect many of us in the Church: 

Saturday 25th May 11am - 3pm  How to defend the Faith without raising your voice! 
Saturday 8th June 11am   - 3pm  Religious Freedom /Love & Sex
Saturday 22nd June 11am  - 3pm  Defending the Unborn /Assisted Suicide

These will be held in the Parish Centre so please put these dates in your diary now!

God bless you!

Msgr Kevin Hale 01702 478078
The Sunday Homily is available as a podcast at