Dear Friends in Christ
This Sunday we welcome our Bishop, Alan Williams, to the Parish. The presence of the Bishop in our midst is equivalent to that of one of the Apostles, since the Bishops of the Catholic Church are the direct descendents of those Twelve that Jesus called and commissioned to teach and sanctify in His name. During 11.30am Mass this weekend the Bishop will confirm twenty-six young adults. They have been preparing since the start of Lent for this moment, which is the completion of their initiation into the Church (begun at Baptism and nourished with the Blessed Eucharist) and now they take their place as fully adult members of the Family of the Church. Please pray for them, their families and their Sponsors, that they will be faithful to the graces and gifts that the Holy Spirit brings them on this occasion. I am very much indebted to the small group of Catechists who have been involved with the preparation of our young people for this Sacrament; I am confident that they have been given a good, solid and spiritual preparation for their Confirmation. Also, please continue to hold the Bishop in the charity of your prayers. He has a hugely important task as our Teacher of the Faith and we ask that the work that has been entrusted to him will be a cause of joy and consolation for him and for us.
Please remember that the first Workshop in the Reframe series for Evangelisation in our Parish will take place this Saturday from 11am-3pm in the Parish Centre; all are welcome. The subject will be: How to defend the Faith without raising your voice!
God bless you!
Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
The Sunday Homily is available as a podcast at