The Most Holy Trinity

Dear Friends in Christ 

The celebration of the Most Blessed Trinity this weekend brings together all of the Mysteries of the Christian Faith; it is the summation of everything we believe, since in God we find all of the perfections of the Christian life; we see what one day we shall be in God Himself. The celebration of Trinity Sunday invites us to make repeated acts of faith. Faith is increased when we make it one of the habits of the interior life, just as any human habit is nurtured and cultivated by the practise of it. The virtues are simply the good habits of the Christian life, and they begin with Faith.

Today we can understand more profoundly the words of the doxology at the end of the Eucharistic Prayer: Through Him, with Him and in Him…The Mass brings us into the life of the Trinity: we see, hear and experience Jesus offering Himself to the Eternal Father, in the power of the Holy Spirit, for our salvation. Jesus Christ, Priest and Victim offers Himself for us in the Mass, as God the Father looks upon His Son and God the Holy Spirit communicates their life to us. It is the supreme moment of intimate exchange within their unity.

Next Sunday we shall celebrate this mystery together as a Parish Family in Corpus Christi, The Body and Blood of Christ. Corpus Christi presents to us in tangible signs and symbols what God is about. This is a special Day for celebrating our Catholic Faith in the Blessed Sacrament, and it is the occasion for our Eucharistic Procession: a short but symbolic way of saying to this small portion of the world here that we believe in Jesus, in his Presence in the Eucharist and we ask Him to bless the places where He continues to walk on earth. Please make a special effort to participate in the Procession and receive the Blessing of Jesus in Benediction at the conclusion.

God bless you!

Msgr Kevin Hale 01702 478078
The Sunday Homily is available as a podcast at