Over six months ago we published the Diocesan Vision Document: Shaping Our Future. That was the culmination of nearly three years of discussions, prayer, discernment and working together.
After initial meetings with the clergy I invited Stewards of the Gospel to step forward to work with the clergy and myself to find new ways of responding to God’s love for us. In the Diocese and our Parishes we have worked together to find a response that is fit for the 21st Century in East London and Essex.
Last December I asked everyone to work in Parish Partnerships to make the Vision a reality in every part of our diocese. I encouraged us not to cling to the status quo but rather to be bold in our thinking and to explore new ways to evangelise our diocese.
In six months every Parish Partnership will send in a draft plan for my consideration. That plan should set out how Stewards and Clergy in each Partnership, informed by discussions with local parishioners, think it could be structured so as to best evangelise their part of the diocese.
There are many wonderful things happening in our diocese for which I am very grateful- please continue to work together in a spirit of prayer and united always in Christ and Mary.
Alan Williams, sm