Diocese of Brentwood Marriage Conference

There is an inaugural conference for those in national and local organisations, parishes and deaneries working to support and promote marriage on  Saturday, 6th July in Cathedral Hall, Brentwood.

About this Event:
Keynote speakers: Brenden Thompson,  Lead Coordinator, Catholic Voices, and Laura Thompson, Teacher and Catholic Voice.

Additional input from the Diocesan Marriage and Family Life Team, and free-ranging discussion on ministry to married couples and families and Diocesan  renewal.

Doors open from 10am with tea and coffee available.  Free buffet lunch - donations welcome  on the day or when registering.

The annual Mass of Thanksgiving for Marriage and Family Life  takes place in the Cathedral at 3pm, followed by a reception in the Hall. Bishop Alan Williams sm will be the principal celebrant and preacher at this Mass. Conference participants are welcome; please indicate if you are staying via your choice of event ticket.  Priests who wish to concelebrate are asked to email marriage@dioceseofbrentwood.org