Dear Friends in Christ 

The two Saints we venerate this weekend celebrate the beginning of the Christian Faith. The Apostles Peter and Paul are considered by the Church as the first pillars, and not only of the See of Rome, but also of the universal Church, the Church of the living God spread throughout the world. They are the Founders of the Church of Rome, the Mother and teacher of all the other Christian communities, and it was their endeavours that gave them growth by the supreme testimony of their martyrdom: Peter by crucifixion, and Paul by the sword. Peter is the first Pope and Paul brought the Gospel abroad by his missionary efforts. Today is a day on which to renew our love for the Church, which is the living Body of Christ.  Toady is a day on which to profess our belief in the Church: One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic; a day on which to pray for the successor of Peter, Pope Francis, and for all those who carry the Word of God to far away places. May they inspire us to live holy and Catholic lives for the good of the Church and the salvation of souls.

Next Sunday is the day of our annual Parish Meeting and Garden Party. As in previous years this is not a business meeting but the time when Reports are given by the various Parish groups, so that we can review and celebrate the life of the Parish Family. It also gives me the opportunity to say thank you to everyone who contributes to the building-up of our Parish. Do come along, even if only for a short time, to meet and be together socially.

May God bless you, and through the intercession of Saints Peter and Paul, keep us united in faith and devotion of Christ and His Church.

Msgr Kevin Hale 01702 478078
The Sunday Homily is available as a podcast at