30th September 2019, 8-10pm at St Peter’s Catholic Church, Eastwood.
In this day and age, passing on our Catholic faith to our children comes with its challenges. How can we offer our children the best opportunity to understand and develop their relationship with God in a way that will sustain their practice of faith through to their adult life? How do we, as parents, navigate the aspects of our faith that are counter cultural and answer the difficult questions our children have about the teachings of our church?
The Diocesan Department for Marriage and Family Life have put together a workshop to support parents who are looking for ideas to raise their young children as faithful Catholics, or opportunities to re-engage older children and teenagers where there might be a struggle. This will be a chance to meet other parents facing the same challenges, to ask questions and hear some tried and tested ideas.
You can register for this event via the Eventbrite link below, or by e-mailing anna.mccormick@dioceseofbrentwood.org. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/catholic-parenting-southend-tickets-65116123077?ref=estwenivtefor001.