Evangelisation - Why/What/How? Michael Dopp

Michael Dopp is an inspirational Canadian speaker who has presented for 18 Diocese and over 50 parishes and apostolates, as well as Catholic ministries such as CCO, NET, and Cursillo.  He has led presentations for priest, deacons, university students, prayer groups, RCIA, sacramental preparation groups, adult faith formation and more.  Michael will be touring the UK in October and Brentwood Diocese have taken the opportunity to book him to come and speak.  He has very kindly accepted the invitation and we are privileged to host him for this one off event at Brentwood Cathedral Hall on Friday, 4 October 2019 from 14.30pm to 21.00pm.  If you would like to attend this event it can be booked via Eventbrite or email adeleangel@dioceseofbrentwood.org.  There is a small donation requested of £5 to cover his expenses.  Spaces are limited.