Dear Friends in Christ
At Mass this Sunday we hear Readings that warn us against an excessive concern for comfort and the things of this world, which often lead to a neglect of God and neighbour. The Gospel parable recalls the situation of the man (Dives) who fell into this trap. Jesus contrasts the extreme conditions of that rich man with Lazarus, who had nothing. Dives lived a selfish life, which made him blind to others. Selfish people treat others as objects without any value. We will encounter Lazarus many times as we go though life. Our challenge is to administer what we have with generosity. In addition to a sharing of material goods, we also can offer understanding, affection and true friendship. A liberation from material things will enable us to achieve this, even if it is done internally. Divine Love is our goal and desire in all of this.
We are approaching the Canonisation of John Henry Cardinal Newman which will take place in Rome on Sunday 13th October. Newman lived virtually through the whole of the nineteenth century and is one of the most famous converts to Catholicism in modern times and also one of our greatest theological and spiritual authors. I will be preaching about Newman the weekend of his Canonisation. We shall have an image of Blessed John Henry in church ahead of the Canonisation and on Friday 4th October we shall begin a Novena in preparation for his great Day: the first English Saint (not martyred) to be declared since the Reformation…so clearly an occasion to celebrate!
God bless you!
Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
The Sunday Homily is available as a podcast at