The Epiphany of The Lord

Dear Friends in Christ 

I wish you all a very happy New Year!

The twelfth day of Christmas celebrates the arrival of the Magi, who come to Jesus with their famous gifts. They represent the nations to whom Jesus is revealed at the start of His life on earth. Like them, we have to overcome the many obstacles that prevent us from reaching Christ in this life.

I am very grateful for the many greetings received over this Christmas season; your cards, gifts and generous Christmas Offerings. As ever, each year I am overwhelmed and humbled by the expressions of prayer and support that are shown. It is one of the great joys and graces of being a Parish Priest. As Vicar General of this Diocese for the last five years - and now entering a second term in this role - I try to assist the Bishop in his governance of the Diocese; but I often say that my main work and passion is, being your Parish Priest. This is because it keeps me grounded and is the reason why I am a priest!

Thank you once again this year for all the help that is given to me and to the ‘plant’ for the Christmas celebrations; a tremendous amount of time and hard work is given to preparing everything: from the Crib to the flowers, the cleaning and general attention to all the details which help to dignify our worship of God. Thank you all!

Msgr Kevin Hale 01702 478078
The Sunday Homily is available as a podcast at