Dear friends in Christ
The liturgy of this Sunday speaks in very beautiful allegories about God’s love for His people; but also of their failure to respond. Palestine was a land of vineyards and so both what the Prophet Isaiah says, and the Gospel parable, reveal the infinite patience of God, the owner of the vineyard. The vineyard is a symbol of the Church and therefore of each of us. We can reflect, as we hear the Readings at Mass, on how each of us responds to the call to be generous, apostolic and courageous in the way we live Faith. Are we producing fruit which is abundant and worthy of our noble calling as workers in God’s vineyard, the Church?
Our Blessed Lady always helps us to see, and produce, the good fruits of our vocation. The first Sunday of October is Rosary Sunday since it is the start of this month dedicated to the Holy Rosary and close to the feast (on 7th) of Mary, Queen of the Holy Rosary. We are being asked to pray the Rosary very specially during this month for the intentions of our nation. The last six months have been a terribly difficult time for so many, and if we are to persevere, we need to surround ourselves in prayer. The Church holds up the Rosary as a powerful tool. I ask you, during this month, to try and pray the Rosary - or part of the Rosary - each day at home as families, in our Schools and as individuals in whatever way is most practical: in the church, around the meal table or even when travelling. We pray a decade of the Rosary each morning before Mass, which is offered for the needs of our Parish Family at this time: the sick, the suffering, the housebound and those in any material or spiritual need.
May God and His Blessed Mother continue to bless us!
Msgr Kevin Hale