Dear friends in Christ
The first reading of the Mass and gospel for this Sunday are a catechesis in the way God desires us to relate to authority and the common good. It provides the basis for our Christian social ethics. Give to God the things that belong to God…As citizens of this world, the Christian has the obligation of rendering to the State whatever material and personal services are required for the common good. (Vatican II, Gaudium et Spes,75). The State does not enjoy absolute power and dominion in any sphere. Civil authorities are obliged to act with equity and justice in the distribution of their goods and services. They have to serve the common good without looking for any gain. They must legislate with the greatest respect for the natural law and the rights of the people. This includes the protection of life from the moment of conception, defence of the family, religious freedom and the rights of parents regarding the education of their children. God speaks through the Prophet Isaiah: Woe to those who decree iniquitous decrees! For our part, we have to pray and respect those in governance over us. This means our Parliamentarians, who are entrusted with our law-making. As we are living through fraught times and the present climate feels fragile, our prayer for the State and those who rule is even more imperative. We ask the King of Heaven to bring us peace and tranquility as we move forward tentatively - even amidst more restrictions this week - hoping for brighter and more certain days ahead.
May the Queen of the Holy Rosary intercede for us and Christ the King bless us!
Msgr Kevin Hale