Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear friends in Christ

As much of the County moved into tighter restrictions again this week, we can be forgiven for feeling that the present crisis is going on far too long. As we move into the Winter months, and with continued uncertainty in many of our lives, the need to hold fast to Christ in prayer and faith is ever more vital.  Life is far from what we would wish and even expected six months ago. However, we must only live one day, one hour at a time, if we are to have a supernatural perspective on life. The churches remain open and the Mass and Sacraments are being celebrated: this is of ultimate importance to us. During October we have continued with our First Communion and Confirmation Masses; Baptisms continue too. The fact that these sacramental celebrations are much reduced in their non-essential elements, means that we have the possibility of focusing on what is most essential: Jesus Himself. With less to distract us and divert us from the person of Jesus, we can go to His Divine Heart with the certain hope that He is with us, and helping us carry on. One of the lovely, time-tried and tested prayers, is offering to the Heart of Jesus everything that happens to us in the course of the day: the joys, sorrows, works, actions and sufferings that we experience. St Margaret Mary - whose feast we celebrated last week - wrote: In the course of every activity pray as follows: "My God, I am going to do this or endure that, in the Sacred Heart of your Divine Son and according to His holy intentions, which I offer you to make reparation for whatever evil or imperfection there may be in my own deeds.” Continue to do this in every circumstance of life. And every time that some punishment, affliction or injustice comes your way, say to yourself: “Accept this as sent to you by the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ in order to unite yourself to Him.”

The Gospel reminds us of the absolute and central tenet of our Faith: the love of God and neighbour. As we try to persevere in our individual and family lives throughout this crisis, we can only do so hand-in-hand with our Blessed Lord.

God bless you and keep you secure in His Sacred Heart!

Msgr Kevin Hale