Dear friends in Christ
In the Gospel of this Sunday Jesus compares our time on earth to a long-term leasing arrangement. The meaning of the parables Our Lord tells often have a crystal-clear meaning: the talents are the qualities God has given us; the journey of the master signifies the time of life on earth; his unexpected return signifies our death; the settling of the accounts is our judgment; the banquet is Heaven. Jesus frequently reminds us that we do not own what we have. We are stewards entrusted with all that has been given to us by God. A day will come when we shall have to hand it all back and give an account of our behaviour. At the end, the only words we desire to hear are: Come good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Lord. Nothing is more important than remaining awake and vigilant. We are remembering in this month those whose lives have gone before us marked with the sign of faith. When a light goes out on a life it is not the end. We could think of it rather more in the sense of a tapestry being completed. Our lives are being created section-by-section, thread-by-thread and with great care for the finished article. In these days, when we may find we have more time available, since normal activities have been curtailed, it is even more important that we use time well: for the glory of God and our own salvation.
Continue to watch-out for others during the lockdown. There may be a family member or neighbour who needs something practical doing for them. If you know someone who does not have internet access, you might keep them informed of what is happening in the Parish. Above all, please try to join with me spiritually each evening at 6pm for a time of prayer—I lead the Rosary in church—for the needs of our Parish Family, the Holy Souls, and an end to this pandemic.
I thank all those of you who, despite the extremely hard financial times we are experiencing, continue to support the Parish and our Charities. If you are doing this by standing order, online donations or by the envelopes, please do remember to Gift Aid any offerings. Thanks also to those who are acting as Stewards for the times when the church is open; without this help we could not maintain a Covid-safe environment. I am deeply grateful for all your prayers and support in these and so many other ways at this time.
God bless you all.
Msgr Kevin Hale