First Sunday of Advent

Dear friends in Christ

We are on the threshold of a new year in the life of the Church. Advent Sunday brings us to the start of our remote preparation for Christmas, by reminding us to be vigilant in the wake of the second coming of Christ. The most important part of Advent is that we use the time to nurture within ourselves the desire for salvation; the need of our Saviour. To realise this we shall need to battle with vigilance in these days that lead to Christmas. Throughout most of this year we have been told repeatedly to be vigilant in the face of an unseen enemy: a virus that has decimated countries and communities around the globe. It can be viewed as a symbol of the Evil One, who never sleeps but who is seeking-out whoever is drowsy and not alert. We have to live our Christian lives with at least the same vigilance with which we are living through this pandemic; ensuring that we do not put ourselves at risk of falling prey to contagion. During Advent the Church, through Her Prophets and Saints, calls us to be watchful because we do not know the day or the hour when the Son of God will return. Living this vigilance will help us to concentrate on those areas of life that are most vital: our prayer and relationship with God; sacramental life and our repentance in the Sacrament of Penance, Confession; practical charity towards those who are in need of our material support. Living a heightened awareness of the things of God at this time, will help us not to be drawn into what for many is, a huge secular and materialistic binge. In many ways the experience of this year has forced us to focus on what is most necessary and essential. We must continue in this vein throughout Advent, so that our rejoicing at the Birth of Jesus, will be an expression of joy born of interior reform.

From Wednesday of this week we know that public worship may resume in our churches. As before, when we came out of a lockdown, we shall need to continue to follow the Covid protocols to ensure that our churches continue to be the safest of places to gather. Please use the online booking system, as before, to reserve places at Mass each week. Volunteers for stewarding are also vital!

God bless you!

Msgr Kevin Hale