Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear friends in Christ

The Gospel Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids — five foolish and five sensible — is a call for us to remain vigilant. We do not know the day or the hour when God will call us to Himself. Are we prepared for this encounter? For that moment when God will call us to judgement? The sombre tone of this month is itself a reminder of the nature of time and eternity. We live only for a brief while, but that time is so that we may love God here so as to be happy with Him in the life to come. After this time on earth, Heaven awaits us. We remember in this month the Holy Souls — our beloved — who may be waiting for the charity of our prayers so that they may be able to enter Heaven. Let us be generous with those prayers now: one day we may ourselves be in need of them.

We find ourselves in a similar situation to what we had back in July: our churches are open only for private prayer each day and not for collective worship. This will continue until 2nd December. It means that we shall have to follow the Mass on-line and keep abreast of events via the Parish social media. Please help anyone, who does not have internet connection, to stay informed of what is happening. You will find the weekly schedule on the website. Daily Mass celebrated at the normal times (apart from Sunday when there will just be the 11.30am). The church will be open for private prayer and visits from 11-12 each morning. Every evening the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed from 6-7pm and I lead the praying of the Holy Rosary at the start. Our Bishops have asked that we observe a moment of joint prayer each day at 6pm.

During this month the Rosary will be offered each evening for the Holy Souls, for the intentions of the Parish Family and for a rapid end to this pandemic. Please join with me in prayer at any of these times.

Let us continue to pray and support each other throughout this time, so that we will emerge strong in faith and hope. God bless you!

Msgr Kevin Hale