Our church will remain open for public worship, if we can keep it safe — please try your best to observe the guidance:
book a place online for Mass, one booking will accommodate up to three adults or two adults and two children from the same family (you might ask anyone who does not have internet if you could book for them)
do not come to the church if you or anyone living with you has Corona-virus symptoms
before entering church wear a face covering
sanitise your hands upon entry and exit
use the QR code at the entrance for Test and Trace
keep a safe distance from others using only the pews designated
do not touch or kiss statues, candle stands or other objects that others may come in contact with
when receiving Holy Communion, remove your face covering before receiving in the hand and do not move away from the Altar until It has been consumed
any weekly offerings can be left in one of the baskets at the back of church and preferably use one of the online, contactless or standing order methods of giving.
Thank you for your continued co-operation with these guidelines — this will ensure the church is a safe environment for everyone.