Second Sunday after the Nativity

Saturday 2 January
10am Mass Maureen Regan, RIP (Anniversary) (CR)
9.30-11pm Private Prayer
Confessions by St Joseph

Second Sunday after the Nativity

5.30pm Vigil Maria Keen, RIP (Anniversary) (DL)
6.30pm Holy Hour: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Confessions by St Joseph

Sunday 3 January
8am Mass The People of the Parish
9.30am Mass Mass Brita Irons, RIP (JV)
11.30am Mass Susan Coughlan, RIP (CM)
4pm Mass Anthony Fleming, RIP (SF) Ex Form—LOW MASS
(No general Communion)
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction

Monday 4
Feria of Christmastide
9am Mass Eugene Connolly, RIP (MI)
8.30-10am Private Prayer

Tuesday 5
Feria of Christmastide
9am Mass Lucrese de Cruyenaere, RIP (JW)
8.30-10am Private Prayer

Wednesday 6
9am Mass The People of the Parish
12Noon Mass John Butler, RIP (RB)
8pm Mass Sylvester de Souza RIP (F&VdS)

Thursday 7
Feria of Christmastide
9am Mass Michael Edwards, RIP (MD)
8.30-10am Private Prayer

Friday 8
Feria of Christmastide
12Noon Mass Ellen Walsh RIP (Anniversary) (MC)
11.30-1pm Private Prayer

Saturday 9
Feria of Christmastide
10am Mass Jeremiah Brennan, RIP (KE)
9.30-11am Private Prayer
Confessions by St Joseph

The Baptism of the Lord

5.30pm Vigil Mass The People of the Parish
6.30pm Holy Hour: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Confessions by St Joseph

Sunday 3 January
8am Mass Dec'd Members of the Wright Family (PB)
9.30am Mass Caroline Murley, RIP (LW)
11.30am Mass Essie Glauda, RIP (Anniversary) (KC)
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction