Second Sunday after the Nativity

Dear friends in Christ

Happy New Year!

We begin 2021 with the twin hallmarks of optimism and trust. We know that we are children of God and this gives us profound inner joy and serenity; we also believe that God is holding us in the palm of His hand, and this gives us all the assurance we need. Even though there are going to be difficult weeks ahead, with optimism and trust we can go into this new year sustained by our Faith.

Wednesday (6th) is The Epiphany. For many Christians throughout the world—especially the Eastern Churches—this is the actual celebration of Christmas. The Magi encounter God in the arms of His Mother. For us this is a call to renewed adoration, as we reflect on the words of St Matthew in the Gospel for this Solemnity: Entering the house they saw the Child and His Mother, and falling down on their knees, they worshipped Him. We come into the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament with a similar sense of reverence; conscious that Jesus lives in the Tabernacle and is presented to us at Holy Mass. The Epiphany is also the impetus to go out and make Jesus Christ known. With so many uncertainties in these days, we have the sure knowledge that we have God-with-us. This is the meaning of life for us as we begin another year.

May God bless you all: your families and loved-ones—those near and far—that we may remain steadfast in Faith in the days ahead.

Msgr Kevin Hale