Serving the Homeless would like to extend very sincere thanks to you all for your support for the recent Carol Service. As you know, this year we had to deliver the service in a different way but we have received many positive comments on how much it was enjoyed and so thank you to all those who took part and to Tim Browne for filming and editing.
I am pleased to say we have raised in excess of £2,700 and money is still coming in.
We were also delighted, just before Christmas, to receive the proceeds of a very generous collection by Blenheim School in addition to support from our friends at the Quakers.
In view of the fact that we are entering the New Year in a much healthier position than we expected to be, Jo Ronan, our Chairperson, has already been in contact with HARP and the YMCA to ask what else we can help them with in the coming months. Syrie Cox from the Y has already responded to say they are planning two new rooms for young people and we have agreed to finance the fixtures and fittings of the new rooms.
Thank you all for your generosity, support and kindness, not just in December but throughout the year.
God bless you all. Nina Bridgeman (Treasurer - Serving the Homeless)