Dear Friends in Christ
Every six years the feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple is celebrated on a Sunday; this gives us the opportunity to reflect on an important moment in the life of Jesus, a moment that is kept before our eyes during the year, since one of the panels in the church reredos (centre right) depicts his moment. It is the fourth Joyful Mystery of the Holy Rosary. Joseph and Mary bring Our Lord to the Temple, as required by Jewish law and ritual, so that He may be presented to God. It was also the occasion of Mary’s purification, as also prescribed by the Law of Moses.
On this occasion, they are met by Simeon, an old and devout man, who took Jesus in his arms and exclaimed: Now Lord, you can let your servant depart in peace…for my eyes have seen the salvation which you have prepared for your people…a light to enlighten the nations! This little canticle of praise is prayed every night during the Office of Compline (night prayer). It reminds us that Jesus is our One and only Saviour, whom the world awaits.
St Bernard writes in a sermon for this feast: Today the Virgin Mary brought to the Temple the Lord of the Temple. Joseph presented to God his adopted Son, the Beloved One. Anna the widow joins in with words of thanksgiving These four people performed the first procession, a joyful procession which will be continued throughout time in every corner of the earth.
The celebration of The Presentation on this Sunday should remind us that, like Mary, we can daily make an offering of ourselves to God. Like her too, there are often sorrowful swords that pierce the heart, but with her at our side, we continue the Christian pilgrimage which began at Baptism, towards the definitive encounter with the True light one day in Heaven.
God bless you!
Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
The Sunday Homily is available as a podcast at