Dear Friends in Christ
Every year on the First Sunday of Lent the mood of this sacred season is set with the reading of the temptations of Jesus in the wilderness. Our Forty Days of Lenten prayer and penance try to imitate this time Jesus spent in preparation for his public life and Passion. Each of us can resolve to do this generously and joyfully, remembering that the only real joy in this life - as opposed to superficial happiness - is that which comes from an intimacy with Christ. Lent is traditionally a time for preparing to receive the Sacraments. Please pray for those who will be Received into Full Communion with the Church at Easter; especially from our own Parish: Michael Jones, Sabine Whittington and Simon Jones This Sunday they will attend the Rite of Election in our Cathedral together with all those throughout the Diocese who will receive the Easter Sacraments.
During 11.30am Mass this Sunday I shall be Commissioning eleven members of the Parish Family as Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, whom I have invited to undertake this precious role. Please pray that, like those existing Extra-Ordinary Ministers they will be exemplary in Faith and Eucharistic piety. Also, pray for our young adults who this weekend begin their preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation at Pentecost.
One practical project this Lent will be the start of the restoration of the reredos or altar piece of our church. This portrays the Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. Over the decades it has become faded with the passage of time and smoke from heating and candles. Work will begin this week on the bottom panel - the Annunciation - removing the browned varnish, cleaning, repainting and re-gilding the figures and then sealing it again. We hope that by the completion it will all look quite splendid again. If anyone would like to make a donation towards this work, then please do have a word with me.
I wish you the grace of perseverance as we continue our Lenten endeavours together towards Easter. God bless you!
Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
The Sunday Homily is available as a podcast at