Re-dedication of England to our Blessed Lady

On the occasion of the Re-dedication of England to Our Blessed Mother of 29th March, our Bishop has issued a Decree granting a Partial Indulgence to all those who participate in this Act of Consecration. The Decree states: 

I grant a Partial Indulgence to all those within the Diocese of Brentwood who, beside the exclusion of all attachment to sin, even venial sin, on the 29th March, 2020, use the prescribed prayers for the Rededication of England to the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, and who within a week prior or a week following this Act of Rededication make their sacramental confession, Eucharistic communion, and pray for the Holy Father’s intentions (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be).   The Act of Rededication should take place publicly, within the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, but in keeping with canon law, it may also take place privately; and, within the Diocese of Brentwood, for those who reside in places where they cannot go to confession or communion at all or can do so only with great hardship, they may gain a partial indulgence without actual confession and communion, provided they have inner contrition and the resolution to go to these sacraments as soon as possible.

The Re-dedication can be a reminder that the mercy and grace of Almighty God is unlimited and that our deepest desires –  the conversion of England to the Catholic Faith – will be fulfilled in God’s own time.