My dear Parishioners
The news that life is going to be very different for all of us for the foreseeable future is a real challenge. I wish to you assure you that you are all foremost in my thoughts and prayers. My concern for everyone is that you remain well in soul and body. Even though the church must remain closed, I shall celebrate Holy Mass every morning and continue the rhythm of prayer as best I can in the course of every day. Let us do our best to look out for one another; if you hear of someone who is in need then do call me. Let us try to keep in touch by telephone or social media. Above all, please pray for me, for our Bishop and Priests and for one another, especially the sick and suffering and those who tend them. With the grace of God this crisis will pass and we shall emerge stronger and more vibrant to praise God in His Holy Church!
With my blessing!
Fr Kevin
no public worship: live-streaming only