Dear Friends in Christ
This Sunday we hear of the Transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Tabor. St Bede comments on this passage of the Gospel saying that Our Lord in a loving condescension allowed Peter, James and John to enjoy for a very short time the contemplation of the happiness that lasts forever, so as to enable them to bear adversity with greater fortitude. There is no doubt that the memory of those moments beside Our Lord on the mountain helped those Apostles through many difficult times. Our existence is a journey towards Heaven, our final and definitive homeland. It is a journey that is sometimes harsh and laborious because sometimes we have to go against the prevailing tide, and struggle against the enemies both inside and outside of ourselves. But God is at our side to strengthen and encourage us, in the same way He was at the side of those three Apostles on the mountain. When God grants you the grace of feeling His presence, and desires that you should speak to Him as your most beloved friend, tell Him about your feelings with all freedom and confidence. Without waiting for Him to come close to you, He hastens towards you when you seek His love, and He presents Himself to you, granting you the graces and remedies that you need. He only waits for one word from you in order to show you that He is beside you and wants to listen to you and console you. Other friends, those who are friends in the world, have times that they spend talking together and other times when they are separated, but between God and yourselves if you want, there need never be a time of separation (St Alphonsus).
May the continuation of this Lenten pilgrimage help us deepen our friendship with Jesus Christ through prayer and charity. May God bless you!
Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
The Sunday Homily is available as a podcast at