Third Sunday of Easter

Dear friends in Christ

On the Sundays throughout Eastertide we shall hear once again the various and familiar accounts of the Resurrection; this Sunday it is the two disciples on the Road to Emmaus. On each of these occasions, Jesus lovingly and gently chided them for their lack of belief in what He had promised them. In each of these encounters - and famously in the Gospel of this Sunday - the moment of revelation is the action of Jesus breaking bread with them. This was the expression used by the early Church for the action of the Mass. It is still a central action in the Mass today - not the most sacred one, which is the consecration - but nonetheless it brings to our minds that we recognise The Lord quintessentially in the Holy Mass. 

Saturday was the day dedicated to Yahweh in the Old Testament, which God Himself made as a commandment. In the New Covenant, the Day of the Resurrection - Sunday - becomes the day when Christians pay honour to the Creator. This is fulfilled by our participation in the Eucharistic Sacrifice, offered to the living and the dead. The source and summit of the Christian life. Our participation in the Mass is a joy and privilege and defines us as the People of God.

At this point in time, nobody knows what coming out of lockdown will be like. This is now the sixth Sunday that we have not been able to gather as the Parish Family for Sunday Mass. I understand how this has been a great trial for so many of you. Never since 1208, when England was placed under Interdict for six years by Pope Innocent III, have churches in this country been closed and the Sacraments not publicly celebrated. When we are able to open our churches, and attend Mass and the Sacraments, we must be ready to do so with a renewed zeal and enthusiasm. For many of you I am sure that coming to Mass and Communion again will seem like your First Communion! Indeed, that would be a very good way to think of it and in this way, your Eucharistic thirst and desire will be filled with deeper faith and love. I pray that it will be so for all of us. 

As we approach the month of May, let us ask Mary - Woman of Faith - to keep our faith in the Resurrection and in the Mass very vibrant!

God bless you all and keep you in His embrace during this time!

Msgr Kevin Hale