Dear friends in Christ
It has been over a month since we went into lockdown and our churches were closed. There is only one way for us to continue, and that is to go positively forwards in prayer. We have entered the month of May, a month traditionally dedicated by the Church to Our Blessed Lady. We know that the Mother of God has been given great power and therefore we can feel confident in asking her to come to our aid during this crisis, petitioning for an end to this grave situation, for comfort while we are threatened by disease and away from the Sacraments and for the conversion of the world.
There is no time like lockdown to get to know our Mother better and improve our relationship with her. Whether we are individual adults, children or families, we can use this month of May to deepen our Marian piety. To this end, I will pray the Holy Rosary each evening of May (Monday-Friday) in the church at 6pm. Please join me in your isolation, in your homes and families, in praying for our needs at this time and for a rapid end to the pandemic. I invite you to send in any prayer requests by email. One of Mary's titles in her Litany of Loretto is Salus Infirmorum…Health of the Sick. We think of Lourdes—also now in lockdown—where the sick have gathered so often in such numbers, confident of the prayers of our Blessed Mother. We should do the same now each evening during May. You will see that the statue of Our Lady of Lourdes has been brought out from the Grotto so that it may be visible in church during the live-streaming. Let us pray earnestly with Mary for all our needs and that, with a Mother’s love, she will protect us and draw us more into the love of the Blessed Trinity.
May God bless you all and continue to keep us all safe.
Msgr Kevin Hale