Good Shepherd Sunday: Evenings for Enquirers

We are continuing the evenings for enquirers using Zoom (online video). The sessions for enquirers are on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at the moment. 

Good Shepherd Sunday

This Sunday is Good Shepherd Sunday when we traditionally pray for vocations to the priesthood for our diocese. Usually on Good Shepherd Sunday the seminarians travel to parishes to speak about vocations. This year three of them, Michael Barwick, Jonathan Burden and Deacon Paschal Uche have recorded video messages in place of this. You can watch them. We continue to have evenings for those who would like to enquire about a vocation to the priesthood. At the moment these are being held online. Please get in touch with Fr Mark Swires for more information. Please continue to pray for vocations to the priesthood and to the religious life and also that all of us may be able to hear what God is asking us to do. Visit us online.