Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

Dear friends in Christ,

I wish you all a very blessed Easter in the name of the Risen Lord!

Jesus Christ has risen from the grave — this is the Good News — and the only important news we need to hear in these days ahead. In the midst of such a dark and difficult Lent, let us now forge forward in that hope which the Resurrection of Jesus gives us. All pain, suffering and sorrow only find their meaning in the life and Resurrection of The Lord. We have seen, and will continue to see in the days ahead, a great deal of sorrow. However, it is always the Faith of Christians that gives light to our world; let us not forget the impact we can make. On this most unusual celebration of Easter, we give thanks for all whose lives have helped us through the last weeks: all who have provided Health Care, the key workers in our community and all who continue to keep life on track for the majority of us.

Thank you for the tremendous support you have been giving me: the countless emails, texts and ’phone calls that have kept me in touch with the Parish Family. I have missed seeing you all, but I know you are there and still participating as best you can in the daily rhythm of prayer and worship that continues to go up from this place.

May the Risen Christ impart to you all His peace, joy and hope!
Msgr Kevin Hale