Seventh Sunday of Easter

Dear friends in Christ

We have just celebrated Ascension Day last Thursday. Jesus has returned to His place in Heaven and the Church awaits the coming of the Great Comforter — the Holy Spirit — at Pentecost. I said in my message last weekend that although Jesus has departed from the earth, He remains with us in the Blessed Eucharist — in the Mass and in the Tabernacle — day and night. Many of you have told me how you have been following the live-streaming of the Mass at home and with your families. I have been quite moved by the way many parishioners have described how you continue to make the gestures of the Mass with the priest as though we were in church still, pronounce the responses and even put smarter clothes on for the time of the duration of Mass. These are all ways that are simple but nonetheless help us remain connected with that which is the greatest action on this earth. It still seems as though we may be some weeks away from being able to return to church and when we do, it will need to be different. This is all a challenge for you and for me. We might begin, however, to think about the time when we are able to come to church, Mass and the Sacraments again. How are we preparing? I suggest that we could try to make acts of faith and love in these days; acts of holy desire for Jesus, that when He comes to us once again in the Mass and Holy Communion, we will be ready, attentive and full of love. It may well seem like our First Communion once again! In the things of God, we are always children and so a child-like simplicity as we approach God, is very much to be fostered in our souls.

I am conscious that next Sunday — Pentecost — would have been the Day when our young people here and across the Diocese should receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. We can think of them, their Sponsors and families and please God, this will be able to happen in the not-too-distant future.

Please continue to join me each evening at 6pm as we pray the Holy Rosary for a swift and safe end to this crisis and that we may be drawn closer as a Parish Family to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

God bless you all!
Msgr Kevin Hale