Dear friends in Christ
The Gospel of this Sunday of Easter is taken from the Farewell Discourse of Jesus at the Last Supper. Full of pathos and insights into the Heart of Our Lord, He reminds the Twelve that whilst He returns to the Father, He will remain with them. The means whereby He does this, is His Body and Blood in the Eucharistic Banquet, which perpetuates His presence on earth until the end of time.
One of things that has struck me most often in these past few weeks, is how the Church is the living body of Christ and we are Its members. We are made for communion with Jesus Christ and one another. Our Faith is not a private individual affair. Certainly it is about a relationship with Jesus but that relationship is communicated in and through the life of the Church, Christ’s Body on earth. That is why the present crisis is such a trial for all of us. We know that we are made for communion with Jesus and with each other and yet, that reality cannot be realised because we have no access to the Mass and the Sacraments. I hope that when the pandemic is behind us - whenever that will be - that we shall be a more enthusiastic and zealous Church. Some alas, will have sunk into a new comfortable routine without prayer or Sacraments, which will make them ask why they need these in the future. Others I know, are desperately thirsty for the nourishment which comes to us when the Church is gathered together liturgically. Perhaps we shall be a smaller number when we come out of this tunnel but those of us who have been desperately clinging-on to whatever we can find, believe that we will be much more enthusiastic and zealous.
I remind you to join with me daily, especially on Sunday, for the celebration of Holy Mass, albeit virtually. The routine of this is vital, even though imperfect. Also each evening throughout the month of May, pray the Rosary with me at 6pm. This is offered for a swift and safe end of the pandemic and for our particular intentions. Please feel free to email any prayer requests that can be included each evening.
God bless you all, and help us persevere!
Msgr Kevin Hale