Dear Friends in Christ
This weekend we are celebrating Saints Peter and Paul (the feast is transferred from 29th). In this celebration we are signalling the beginnings of Christianity. In the words of Pope Saint Paul VI: The Apostles Peter and Paul are considered by the Faithful and rightly so, to be the pillars, not only of the Holy Roman See but also of the Universal Church of the living God, spread to the utmost bounds of the earth. Peter, whom Our Lord Jesus Christ chose as the foundation of His Church and Bishop of this illustrious City and Paul the Doctor of the Gentiles, teacher and friend of the first community founded here. When we consider their lives in the cold light of day, it seems extraordinary that God has chosen two weak men to be the foundation stones of the Church. Their humanity and also their strong and indomitable faith, gives us courage to witness to Jesus in these difficult times in which we live and to live confidently in the realisation that He has chosen us too.
As we continue to come gradually back to church, I am grateful for the many offers of help that we have received; especially those who have volunteered to be stewards during the hours when the church has been open Monday - Saturday. It has been a comfort for many of us just to be able to visit the church for private prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. As from Saturday 4th July we can resume public Masses. Obviously this will need to be done in accordance with the guidelines. This means that numbers will be limited in church and there will be a booking system in operation through the Parish website; this will provide further details. (There can’t be any singing for the present!) If you know someone who does not have internet, please ask them if they would like you to book them in. We will also need four volunteers for stewarding and to clean the church after each Mass, as we have been doing these last two weeks. This also applies to weekday Masses, as the obligation to attend Sunday Mass continues to be suspended throughout this period. Please be patient as we shall need to proceed cautiously.
Pope Francis last weekend, added three new invocations to the Litany of Our Lady (Loretto): Mother of Hope, Mother of Mercy and Comfort of Migrants. These beautiful little expressions of the solicitude of the Mother of God for the human race, remind us to always go confidently to ask her help.
May Mary, Queen of Apostles, with Saints Peter & Paul, intercede for us and keep us united in Faith, the Faith that we profess each week as One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. May God bless us as we continue to live in that same Church which they established on earth!
Msgr Kevin Hale