Dear friends in Christ
The central tenet of the Christian Faith is that God is One and God is Three: The Most Blessed Trinity. Last Sunday — Pentecost — I spoke in the Homily about the gift of languages which the Holy Spirit bestowed on Pentecost Day: the gift to communicate the Faith with all peoples on the earth. This is carried-out through the ministry of the Church, Christ’s Body on earth. To be able to communicate the faith of Christ and the Church, in the language of those to whom we are speaking, is what the gift of tongues means. It is tongues and language enabling the disciples of Jesus to establish heart-to-heart communication with the peoples of the world. This is because the Holy Spirit Himself is nothing but communication. For the Spirit is quite simply the love that is communicated between the Father and the Son. He is the breath. That is what Spiritus Sanctus means: the holy breath that is blown back and forth between the Father and the Son. So on this Sunday we celebrate that intimacy which is the very life of God. But there is more: through the mystery of Christ’s Body — the Church — we are incorporated into that life. This happens for the first time at Baptism and is renewed and deepened every time we receive a Sacrament. Communication with any one of the Three Divine Persons is communion with God Himself. Speaking of that life we receive through the Sacraments will, I know, only remind us of the pain of separation that we have felt for many weeks. I continue to urge you to be patient and tenacious in your anticipation of the public worship of the Church commencing again. God is waiting — much more than we are, or can imagine — for us to be drawn back into His Trinitarian life. May this Trinity Sunday, and the Solemnity of Corpus Christi next Sunday, prepare us, and awaken within us profoundly, the desire for God.
During this month of June, we go to the Heart of Jesus saying often:
Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place all our trust in You! Sweet Heart of Jesus, we implore, make us love You, more and more!
Msgr Kevin Hale