The Mass is mostly what you are familiar with. However, to ensure we keep within the Government guidelines on religious services, there are some changes we have to make. We ask for your assistance in complying with these.
The most notable changes are at Communion
Before the Priest starts to administer Holy Communion he holds up the Host and says “The Body of Christ” — we all respond “Amen”
As Communion begins the Stewards position themselves at the front in the centre aisle and on the wings
The queue is a single file — family groups may remain together, but separate groups must maintain 2m distance from the person in front
The Stewards indicate to each pew when they should make their way to the priest — please wait for the Steward!
We start with the centre pews, from the front
Once the centre aisles have finished, we continue with the south aisle from the front: go to the back of the church, down the centre aisle to the priest, then return to your seat
Finally, the north aisle also begins from the front — go to the back of the church, down the centre aisle to the priest, then return to your seat
As you approach the priest at the prie-dieu at the front, please remain standing and with arms outstretched — the priest will also have his arms outstretched and place the Host into your hand
Communion may not be received on the tongue
Communion blessings cannot be given
Communion is in silence: as he gives you the host, the priest will not say “The Body of Christ”
As you receive the Host in your hand, do not respond — do not say “Amen”
General points
At the end of Mass the Stewards indicate when you should leave — from the back of the Church, starting with the centre pews, then each wing
Exit out of the south and north wing doors
As you leave, maintain 2m distance from other people
Do not loiter or socialise as you exit
The Stewards are here to guide you through the changes — please follow their directions!
Keep children with you at all times
There are no toilets available: none in Church, and the Hall is closed — please return home if needed
Please keep to these guidelines! If we cannot follow them, the church must close again.
Thank you for your understanding.