Dear friends in Christ
It has been a great joy for many of us having the church open for private prayer over the last three weeks; a steady stream of people have been coming each day to pray and long may this custom of visiting Jesus present in the Tabernacle continue.
From this weekend, it is possible for us to resume public Masses. This is also a great moment of joy, after these months of lockdown and the 'eucharistic fast' which has been imposed. However, public Masses present some challenges. We will need to observe the Guidelines from the Government and from the Church. This means that we need to observe safe distance during Mass, so that everyone feels and is, safe. For this reason the numbers at Mass will be limited and it will be necessary to reserve places ahead of coming to Mass. This can now be done via the Parish website: simply reserve a time when you as an individual or as a family wish to attend Mass. It is on a first come, first served basis. Because the Sunday Mass obligation has been suspended during the lockdown, you could come to Mass on any day of the week. For this first weekend there will be fewer Masses than usual and a space between the morning Masses to allow for cleaning and adjusting to the requirements. If you know someone who would like to come to Mass but doesn't have internet access, you might be kind enough to offer to book a place for them.
Coming to Mass will be different to what we have been used to; we need to sanitise our hands upon entering and leaving the church, there won’t be a printed Newsletter, nor the use of the Mass books, there cannot be any congregational singing, no sign of peace, no Holy Communion from the Chalice and Communion is given and received silently and must be received in the hand. Due to this last restriction, there will not be a general Communion at the Extraordinary Form Mass. At the end of Mass the priest has to return directly to the Sacristy. Your weekly offerings for the Parish can be left in the baskets at the back of the church as you leave.
Confessions can be heard now but not using the Confessionals. I will make myself available in the Lady Chapel on Saturday morning so that a safe distance can be maintained.
We all know and understand why these Guidelines need to be adhered to but as the weeks go on, life should become easier and we can begin to reintroduce more of the normal elements of the liturgy. In the meantime, I do ask you to be patient. Many Parishioners have been working hard behind the scenes with Health and Safety, stewarding, cleaning and so on. We shall still need volunteers for each Mass and you can sign-up on the website for this, as you have been doing over the last weeks. I do thank you for your encouragement, patience and above all, your prayers, which have sustained me and the Parish during this time of trial.
God bless you!
Msgr Kevin Hale