Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear friends in Christ

The miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and the fishes, the Gospel this Sunday, is a prelude to the institution of the Holy Eucharist: Jesus feeds us with Himself. This miracle is not only a demonstration of divine mercy it is also a preparation for the moment when Jesus will feed us with Himself. The liturgy at Mass recalls that gesture of Our Lord when He lifts up His eyes to Heaven. We hear this said during the Canon of the Mass: And with eyes raised to Heaven to You, O God, His almighty Father, giving You thanks, He said the blessing…We remember this great miracle as we prepare for an even greater miracle, the transforming of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus at Mass, a sacrifice which is offered as spiritual food and sustenance for all mankind.

After the gradual reintroduction of Masses over the last month, we are now in a position to restore the normal weekly schedule. This will include Sunday 9.30am Mass and Vespers and Benediction at 5.30pm staring on the Solemnity of Mary’s Assumption into Heaven, this year celebrated on 16th August. This will depend on there being sufficient volunteers to steward and clean. Please sign-up on the website for volunteering and thank-you everyone who has been helping so far.

As we contemplate the Readings of the Mass this weekend, and as whenever the moment of Holy Communion draws near, our desire and devotion should be ever more fervent. Have we ever thought how we would prepare ourselves to receive Our Lord if we could do so only once in our lifetime? We must be thankful to God that He makes it so easy for us to come to Him. We should show our gratitude by preparing ourselves to receive Him well. One day it will be our last time. Soon afterwards we shall meet Him face-to-face. May Jesus be pleased to see us, who have sought Him in this life, by faith and love.

God bless you!

Msgr Kevin Hale