Contactless Giving

Many of us no longer carry cash. Contactless paying is becoming increasingly popular and is more hygienic. From the first weekend in September it will be possible to make contactless offerings to the Church. This can be done in the usual manner and there will be a device at the back of church with a Steward to assist. Simply touch an amount shown on the screen (or enter another figure if you wish to give a particular amount) then tap your card or ‘phone to register payment. (The device will be sanitised by the Steward.) You should also Gift Aid amounts if you are a taxpayer (which adds an additional 25%).  You need to enter your name and address on the first occasion and after that your details are remembered for future giving. The best way of making your weekly offering is by using the envelopes or standing order but the contactless facility will enable us to donate at anytime if we don’t have cash.