A very sincere thank you to everyone who supported our Summer Raffle, which raised £1,045. The Committee is also very grateful to the Albert Gubay Charitable Foundation that donated £2,500 towards our work.
Since January we have been able to give the following:
£2,000 to HARP towards the purchase of fresh food; this equates to £250 per month
£3,500 has just been donated to HARP for meaningful activities for their clients
£1,500 to the YMCA for the music studio
£1,500 to the YMCA for the Wellbeing courses for residents
£2,500 to the Winter Night Shelters, care of the SVP at St Helen’s Church who have worked with homeless people throughout the pandemic
£200 to Marylisa and Tim Browne of our Committee, who have cooked meals for rough sleepers and worked with Westcliff SVP
We are unable to hold fundraising events at the moment, but if anyone would like to contribute to our work please can you pay directly into our account which is: Lloyds Bank PLC, Threadneedle Street, Sort Code 30-00-09, Account No 00226011, Account Name – Serving the Homeless or donations can be left in the parish office, marked “Serving the Homeless”.
Thank you all for your continuing support. Linda Wall, Secretary