Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear friends in Christ

The Gospel of this Sunday is a lesson in obedience versus disobedience. It is the Parable of Two Sons: one says he will go and work for his father in the vineyard, but doesn’t go; the other refuses to go and then thinks better of it. It always hurts to obey. It hurt Jesus to obey too, because He was fully human, as well as divine; but He did the Will of His Father and underwent His Passion and Death for our salvation. St Paul says: Christ was obedient, even to accepting death, death on a Cross.

We have all had to make ourselves obedient to the law in these recent months. Many of us would have preferred to have acted differently, but we have followed the Guidelines of Church and State for the greater good. Obedience always bring with it grace, because obedience is a virtue. We may think we know better than what we are being told - and perhaps we do sometimes - but provided we are not being asked something immoral, obedience is always fruitful. I thank all of you who have persevered in coming to Mass and being subject to the Guidance we have been given for being in church and receiving the Sacraments. These protocols are obviously far from what we would wish, but by acting in unison, we ensure the safety and security of others as well as of ourselves. 

Next weekend I will begin the celebration of the deferred First Holy Communion Masses on five consecutive Saturday mornings. I would ask those parishioners who normally come to that Mass to keep it free for the children and their families. Also, please pray for our young adults who will be Confirmed at a separate Mass on Sunday, 11th October. Patiently, and obediently, we make our way forward, confident of the grace of God and the protection of His Holy Angels and Archangels whose feast days we celebrate this week.

On Thursday we begin the Month of the Holy Rosary. As previously, we shall begin the weekday Masses by praying a decade of the Holy Rosary, which we can offer for the needs of the Parish Family.

God bless you!

Msgr Kevin Hale